Feb 26 , 2023
After a long and stressful day, one of the best ways for you to wind down and relax is to soak in a hot bath. On the other hand, taking a bath might be a far less pleasurable experience if your bathtub is dirty or showing signs of deterioration.
Your bathroom may look antiquated and unpleasant if it has a tub that is damaged in any way, such as being chipped, scraped, rusted, or worn. However, before you go and get rid of that old tub, you might want to refinish the one you already have.
Refinishing a bathtub will save you the time and effort that would be required for a more extensive bathroom renovation job, and it will usually be more cost-effective than replacing it with something new. In addition, it allows you to keep an older design, such as an antique clawfoot tub, that gives a bathroom personality but has seen better days. This is a significant advantage.
Put all of the objects that are in the bathroom, such as towels, bathrobes, and personal care products, into a closet, and then completely vacuum the walls, the ceiling, the shelves, and any other areas that could potentially have dust.
By doing this, dust will be prevented from entering the coating. Turn off the fan and close the window to prevent insects from landing on the coating. It is important to keep animals out of the bathroom both while you are working there and afterward while the material is drying. Keep the temperature in the bathroom at no less than +22 degrees Celsius for one day before the job begins, during the work itself, and for at least the first two days after the substance has been applied.
Empty your bathtub completely. You need to get rid of everything that, if it came into contact with the tub or fell into it, would make your project more difficult. This indicates that you should clear the area of your hygiene goods and bath decorations, including soaps, shampoos, razors, and the like. Because it creates a bottleneck in the process, you shouldn't even hang up your shower curtain if you want things to go smoothly.
Notifying your contractor that your bathroom has wallpaper is important since most types of masking tape can damage the wallpaper. Your contractor will need to find a different type of tape that is suitable for your wallpaper if your bathroom contains wallpaper.
Get the Surface as Sparkling Clean as Possible.
It is surely of the utmost significance to ensure that the surface of your bathtub is free of any debris, grime, or oil before beginning the preparation process. Even if you might not be able to eliminate stains that have been etched in your tub, you should do a thorough job of cleaning any oils and scraping soap scum, debris, and silicone materials from the surface of the tub. This will help you get the best results.
This step is necessary in order to ensure that the materials used for reglazing will adhere properly to the surface. Please be certain that you are paying close attention to the region surrounding your drain. This area should be scraped thoroughly and carefully. It is extremely typical for homeowners to ignore the buildup around their drains; consequently, this region is prone to failure.
When you scrub and scour your bathtub to remove any oils and soap scum, we strongly suggest that you make use of a scouring pad. Both of these products have been shown to be useful in doing this task.
After scraping, scrubbing, and rinsing the surface, you should undertake a last examination. You should make sure that you check three times for any traces of debris or residue. We are unable to place enough emphasis on the significance of removing as much caulk, silicone, and soap scum as is humanly possible. Remove any debris that may have been left behind. Use some paper towels to dry off your bathtub.
At Refined Bath Solutions we have the best Tub Cast Ekopel products that are odorless and very easy to pour.
Should the silicone be removed from around the bathtub's edges?
Yes. Silicone needs to be eliminated in its entirety. If the material is placed on a surface that has not had the silicone removed, there is a possibility that the material will peel off.
The bathtub is filled with water that came from a faucet that was closed. Will this cause any problems with the recasting?
In order to prevent water from getting onto the bathtub's surface, it is important to either stop the leaking or switch off the water while the work is being done and the surface is drying.
What kind of sandpaper is suggested for the preparation step?
For the surface preparation, you should use sandpaper with a grain range of 220-320. You want the texture to be nice and smooth when you touch it. You should still give it a short sanding, even if the surface is relatively smooth. Sanding is an essential stage in the preparation process, so don't skip it.
If there are significant areas of rust, areas that have been repaired with Bondo, or if you simply want to be extra cautious, we suggest applying a primer. The use of the primer will provide a strong and long-lasting bond. It is very important that you keep in mind that a little goes a long way; the 5-ounce container will be more than enough for a bathtub and surround unit.
When do I recaulk?
You can recaulk the area once it has had at least 36 to 48 hours to pass since you poured the concrete. You will want to always make sure that you do this because if you don't, water could potentially get up beneath the finish, which would cause problems in the future.
How may Ekopel be removed from regions where it is not wanted?
If you find tub cast Ekopel in an unwelcome location, such as the floor, you can remove as much of it as possible by first heating the area with a heat gun or a hair dryer and then scraping away what you can. After that, remove the remaining residue with acetone. In the event that it is on your hands, wash them thoroughly with soap and acetone.
Get our most famous tub cast Ekopel products from refinished bathtub solutions now.