Dec 24 , 2022
There are many people who are curious about whether or not the procedure of bathtub reglazing is worth the amount of time, money, and effort that they put into this endeavor. Will it successfully bring back an old and worn-out tub to its former glory and achieve the desired results? How long will its newly restored appearance hold up? The answers to these concerns are both "Yes" if the bathtub reglazing job is carried out professionally and by a reglazing professional with prior experience.
Why Reglaze?
When you do not have the time or money to replace the current units in your bathroom, bathtub reglazing is frequently an option to explore. When a new tub is built in a bathroom, the tile that surrounds the tub will typically need to be replaced since the old tile may need to be taller or wider to accommodate the dimensions of the new tub. When all you want to do in your bathroom is change the fixtures and give it a fresh look, refinishing makes a lot of sense as an option to consider. This strategy has frequently been utilized to hide and improve the appearance of color schemes that are deemed undesirable or outmoded.
The Outcome of the Bathroom Refinishing
The level of expertise possessed by the technician in charge of completing this project and the standard of the resources at their disposal both have a significant role in determining the outcome of the endeavor.
The process of bathtub reglazing is not a mystery and is founded on basic chemistry; nonetheless, surface preparation and spraying techniques are two of the most overlooked and least understood aspects while attempting to complete this project. The knowledgeable experts will clean and prepare the surface so that bonding may take place. The bonding produces a brand-new looking and brand-new feeling solid surface that is clean and fresh. The only way to ensure that you receive the results and attractive bathtub you want is to work with a firm that is licensed, insured, and bonded and has a well-established reputation among friends, neighbors, or companies in the area.
Long-Term Repercussions
Reglazing a bathtub can add years to its lifespan if it is done correctly. When you employ a professional to carry out the task for you, not only will you be guaranteed long-lasting results, but you will also receive a warranty. When the refurbishment is complete, you can ensure the long-term consequences of having your bathtub reglazed by taking excellent care of the newly reglazed surface. If you take good care of the bathtub, the refinishing job should last between ten and fifteen years before it needs to be touched up again.
The Non Slip Kit
The Non-Slip kit consists of Ekopel 2k, to which a pigment that looks like sand has been added to give you a grip. It is not just abrasive enough to provide traction so that you won't slip and fall, but it is also not so rough that it would cut or damage you if you bathe in it. After the new Ekopel surface has had a chance to dry completely, you can apply the non-slip kit to the bottom of a standard bathtub floor or put it directly over the new surface.
It is sufficiently uneven so you will not lose your footing and tumble. However, it is not sharp enough to cut you, and it will not cause you any harm. You won't have to worry about slipping or falling off this non-slip surface.
Ekopel has a tint, along with additional Ekopel details
Tints cost $50 per, and once purchased, they cannot be returned or refunded under any circumstances. We can color Ekopel in shades, including light grey, dark grey, almond, and bisk. Call or send an email to place an order for a tint.
The product has a shelf life of two years. Keep the product in a cool, dry place with an airtight container and a temperature ranging from 50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. If the item becomes frozen, it must be kept in a warm location for twenty-four hours before it may be utilized.
The dried material can be disposed of similarly to other common home rubbish. Combine the solid remnants of the liquid components, and then, once it has cured, throw it out with the rest of your garbage.
If you do not remove the tape from around the drain between the hours of 4 and 5, the material will be able to flow over it and totally cover it up. If this occurs, heat the area around the drain with a heat gun or a hair dryer to open the drain hole and score the area around the drain. If it fails to work, you can use a dermal tool to cut it out.
Even make your tiles appear to be brand new.
Because Ekopel may be installed on virtually any tile, it can even be used on tile floors.
Please take advantage of our tile refinishing or bathtub refinishing services. You will have a beautiful surface for your tub and your tile while saving time and money. Keep reading if you are interested in finding out more about the benefits of getting your tiles restored and how it may help you save money.
The Benefits Obtained from Refurbishing Preexisting Tiles
- You will have a considerable potential to save money on the tiling project if you choose to replace less than all of the tiles.
- Mold and mildew will no longer be a problem for you as a result of the recently applied coating cover, which protects against both.
- When it comes to keeping a clean environment, having a smooth tile surface makes it much simpler to do so. Simply using a washcloth is all that is required to make your tile look new.
- At the very least, the amount of time your tile and bathtub will continue to be in good condition can be increased by at least ten years. Tile refinishing is better for the environment than tile replacement because it does not need the disposal of any materials.
- Make some aesthetic adjustments to your bathroom. You are able to change the hue of every fixture without having to replace the tiles.
- The method is swift, simple, and does not involve any convoluted steps. Since there will be no demolition, you will not need to be concerned about the mess.