Dec 31 , 2022
To answer your question in a nutshell, the longevity of a professional reglaze is approximately ten to fifteen years. The longer answer is that the longevity of the glaze and finish of your bathtub depends on several other elements as well. The integrity of your bathtub can be preserved through the process of refinishing. However, consistent care in the form of weekly cleaning and maintenance is essential to prevent the finish on your bathtub from deteriorating and unwelcome agents such as mold from doing so. If you take the necessary precautions, your reglaze should last between 10 and 15 years. In that case, you should expect your reglaze's lifespan to be between three and four years.
DIY vs. Professional Reglazing
In the process of reglazing your bathtub, you have two options available to you: doing it yourself or hiring a professional (Professional Reglazing). Because each has both advantages and drawbacks, it is up to you to determine which would work best in your bathroom.
DIY Reglazing Steps
There are a variety of do-it-yourself kits for reglazing that can be purchased at nearby hardware stores or online for less than one hundred dollars. This makes the project quite simple.
The following is a synopsis of the Do-It-Yourself Reglazing guide:
- Take out the drain and the fixtures, or tape them.
- To make the surface equal, scrape the tub with a razor and then sand it.
- The area should then be cleaned with a towel, caulking should be taped, and primer should be applied.
- First, use a roller to apply the refinishing coating, and then finish with a brush.
- After allowing it to dry for at least one day, remove the tape.
DIY Glazing Has Its Advantages
- Significantly less expensive than having expert work done, with kits costing approximately $100.
- There is no need for laborers in your home.
- Determine when you want the project to be completed according to your specifications.
Uneven surfaces and colors and the fact that most homeowners typically do not have the tools and experience that professional glazers do to make their bathrooms more presentable are the primary reasons why DIY projects tend to be visually inferior to those completed by professional glazers.
Due to the fact that do-it-yourself projects often pay less attention to minute details, the results of a DIY reglaze typically only endure between two and three years, in contrast to the ten to fifteen years that can be expected from professional work.
DIY reglazing tasks take a significant length of time to accomplish, especially if the person doing the work is relatively inexperienced. Because of this, the portion of the property being worked on is exposed to potentially hazardous fumes.
Comparing the benefits and drawbacks of professional reglazing
The option of hiring a professional for reglazing is a very good one for people who have little to no experience in the field. When opposed to doing it yourself, professional refinishing is strongly advised instead of DIY because the benefits and pros of professional refinishing much outweigh its drawbacks. Even though the total price is three times that of a do-it-yourself kit, the lifespan of your bathtub will be significantly increased.
In favor of hiring a professional:
Faster, more efficient. If you hire professionals to help you out, your bathroom will be finished promptly, and no additional time will be lost. Exposing the interior of your home to potentially harmful gases for a shorter period of time.
Wide, A wide range of hues Professional glazing firms have access to virtually any color scheme you might ask for, and they will always match the color you specify. This is in contrast to do-it-yourself kits.
Even surfaces. In contrast to most do-it-yourself projects, hiring pros will ensure that all surfaces of the area are thoroughly cleaned and evened out, making it simpler for the coats of paint to adhere to one another. If you hire a professional rather than do the work yourself, your bathtub will have a far longer lifespan.
Negative aspects of hiring a professional regular:
The cost of hiring specialists can easily reach four to five times that of a do-it-yourself kit.
Due to the fact that professionals are working on your bathtub, the completion of the project is not under your control and is instead the responsibility of the professionals.
What exactly is involved in the reglazing process?
For those who aren't familiar, the reglazing process entails emptying your bathtub of any foreign objects, after which a thicker layer of finishing paint is applied. Although it may sound easy, poor cleaning of the bathtub is quite prevalent and can cause your bathtub to have uneven sections. Because the paint does not cling to the bathtub in the correct manner, both the paint and your bathtub will have a shorter lifespan as a result.
- After having your bathtub reglazed, here are some tips on how to continue to care for it.
When taking care of a bathtub that has been reglazed, it is strongly recommended that abrasive cleaning products be avoided. When you clean your bathtub with abrasive cleansers like steel wool, bleach, or harsh detergents, you will remove a significant portion of the protective characteristics that the finishing paint provides, leaving your bathtub vulnerable to the environment. Due to the lack of a protective coating on its surface, this action will, over time, cause irreparable damage to your bathtub. Instead of using abrasive cleaners, such as harsh detergents, soap, and baking soda, you should consider switching to non-abrasive alternatives. Any chemical component, given enough time, can eventually destroy the finish on your bathtub. Non-abrasive cleansers, on the other hand, will allow your bathtub's surface to remain protected for at least ten years, whereas abrasive cleaners will begin to erode the finish after only two to three years.
Reglazing your bathtub is a straightforward technique that can significantly extend the appliance's useful lifespan. If you are a first-time homeowner, you may find the process to be straightforward but rather overwhelming; if you successfully complete it, your bathtub can easily endure for another 10–15 years. When you are in the market for a new tub shortly, you should absolutely give this alternative some serious thought.
I’m getting my bathroom renovated this summer, so I was thinking of refinishing the tub instead of replacing it entirely since my budget is quite tight. It’s good that you mentioned how it is faster and more efficient to leave the refinishing to professionals since they know how to get the job done properly without exposing our house to potentially harmful gases for too long. I’ll be sure to keep this in mind while I look for services to hire for bathtub refinishing this summer. https://probathtubrefinishing.com/simi-valley-ca-1