Breaking News!
Breaking News! By: April Greenlaw This just in from the Refinished Bath Solutions Crew!! Have you experienced brownish staining or dark brown staining in your tub after you have applied the Ekopel...
Breaking News! By: April Greenlaw This just in from the Refinished Bath Solutions Crew!! Have you experienced brownish staining or dark brown staining in your tub after you have applied the Ekopel...
Tips and Tricks to Remember By: April Greenlaw Ready to pour your first project with Ekopel 2K? What an exciting time and a fun new learning experience! This diy project is easy to learn, but ther...
Clean Up! By: April Greenlaw Wondering how to make the cleanup process a little easier? Or maybe how to prep beforehand to make this an easy clean up project?! Here are some tips and steps to take...
To Tint or Not to Tint!? By: April Greenlaw Ever wondered if our product comes in different colors?! Or even if you should attempt to tint yourself?! In this blog I will answer any questions you m...
Which kit do you Need?! By: April Greenlaw Wondering which Ekopel 2K kit you will need to get your project done? Well look no further all your answers are right here! We will tell you about the...
Property Mangers, Hotel Mangers, Home Investment Pros, Contractors - WE WANT YOU! By: Sarah Boudreau Wish there was a more cost effective solution than replacing tubs and coun...