Dec 26 , 2022
Are you thinking about modernizing your bathtub? Installing a shower stall in place of your bathtub or going for a design that is more individualized. We understand it! No one promised that achieving the bathroom of your dreams would be simple, and before you get started, there are four essential things you need to ask yourself:
How Can I Tell What Kind Of A Bathtub I Have?
Before you begin demoing, you need to think about the kind of tub you have available to you.
You'll be able to make other critical decisions from this vantage point, such as the material that the tub is constructed out of, which is directly related to how challenging it will be to remove it from the bathroom.
Because cast iron tubs are significantly heavier than fiberglass ones, it is significantly more challenging to remove them from the house.
And this, on its own, is frequently the decisive factor for homeowners who ultimately choose to go with resurfacing or casting services.
It is also essential that you are aware that removing your bathtub will invariably include working with plumbing and that rearranging your current plumbing to make room for your new bathtub or shower will add to the expense of your remodeling project.
Therefore, between a thousand to three thousand dollars of your remodeling budget will need to be dedicated to moving the plumbing a few feet over.
Has My Tub Been Resurfaced Before?
It is common practice to forget to address this question during a complete rebuild.
In addition, if you intend to replace your bathtub, the information presented here may be irrelevant to your situation.
If the coating on your tub is failing, this could be a strong indication of how it will perform in the future should you choose to have the tub resurfaced again. However, this is an important question to ask if you are going the route of a partial remodel because if the coating on your tub is failing, this could indicate how it will perform in the future.
In this aspect, tub casting is the method that offers the most benefits.
Tub casting is the finest alternative to the conventional method of tub resurfacing since it results in a permanent coating that is not only good for the environment but also comes with a warranty that lasts for ten years.
Poor goods, human error, or a lack of adequate aftercare were to blame for the failure of resurfacing to work for you in the past.
There is a wide variety of reasons why some persons have coating failure.
In addition, there are further solutions for partially redesigning your tub that does not involve replacement or the installation of a liner.
Is There A Problem With My Tub?
Damage sustained to a bathtub's surface is typically classified as either being superficial or requiring repairs.
Unfortunately, some damage can't even be fixed with tub resurfacing or tub casting. This is a frustrating reality.
Chips, hairline cracks (that aren't leaking), and surface rust are all types of minor damage that can be rectified using conventional resurfacing methods or tub casting.
Even more extensive projects, such as making body repairs to the bottom of the tub so that it may be leveled, are still doable thanks to the partial rebuilding offered by tub resurfacing and casting.
Tubs typically need to be replaced because of damage, such as leaking fractures in the fiberglass or extensive corrosion caused by rust. In certain cases, the damage might be both.
Therefore, before you decide how to improve your tub, it is crucial to determine whether or not your tub is even a candidate for resurfacing or casting.
Because damage can be rectified in most instances, it is imperative that you consult an expert in the field of remodeling or refinishing before beginning any work.
What to Anticipate During the Refinishing Process
Knowing what to anticipate before, during, and after tub refinishing is quite necessary. This is something that should go without saying.
The knowledge to answer questions such as,
- How long will the job take?
- Is there a fragrance to it?
- What kinds of chemicals do you work with, and are they unsafe?
- Where exactly should resurface fall in the timeframe for my remodeling project?
These are all extremely significant inquiries to make because the responses will greatly assist you in getting ready for the service call you have scheduled.
In addition, any seasoned refinishing firm should be able to provide answers to all of these concerns and others to ensure that you are adequately prepared.
They should also be managing your exceptions regarding what resurfacing can repair and what it can't fix (since it is mostly a cosmetic remedy) so that you can easily decide whether or not resurfacing is the best option for you. This will allow you to make an informed decision.
The Types of Chemicals Employed
Not all specialists who resurface bathtubs use the same products, and not all of those products are safe.
The fact that it is ultimately up to you to decide what kinds of things you will and will not let into your house makes this one of the topics on which you should focus the most attention and effort in completing your research assignments.
To make a very long tale short, methylene chloride and isocyanates should be avoided at all costs.
They may provide a stunning sheen, which is why refinishers adore them, but the benefit they provide is not in the least bit worth the risk involved.
Refinished Bath Solutions Has Safe Options For You
Made in the USA, safe for the environment, and non-toxic: Ekopel's long-lasting glaze is oil-free and doesn't contain any dangerous ingredients; it also emits no fumes and never peels! Tub surfaces can be brought back to a "like new" dazzling luster by using this product's thick, full-seal coating.
Whether you have recently bought a home, are in the process of selling your home, own a rental property, or flip houses for a living, Ekopel is the Bathtub Refinishing Kit that is the most convenient, safe, and simple to use for any other product on the market. You can refinish your tub with the help of our DIY-friendly videos, which will lead you through each step of the procedure. If you have a more involved project, our list of certified installers can assist you in finding a qualified professional.