Dec 21 , 2022
Do you still have your old bathroom sink? Or do you have a bathtub with a significant fracture in it? Or there are just a few flaky spots here and there. You might be thinking that it's time to replace the bathtub, but you might fear the expense and inconvenience of having to break down a few walls so the new bathtub can be installed.
Thankfully, there is another route to go. You can consider having your bathtub refurbished or reglazed as an alternative. The refinishing or reglazing of an existing bathtub offers several advantages over installing a new tub, making the former option the superior choice. Just a few of the many advantages are as follows:
Spend less cash.
Purchasing a new bathtub would not save you a significant amount of money, given that there are a variety of models available both online and in stores that can be purchased for a few hundred dollars or less. However, you also need to consider the cost of installation and the expense of removing your old tub, both of which can quickly drive up the total cost to a significant degree. There is a good chance that is purchasing a new bathtub, having it installed, and potentially even relocating the plumbing will save you several thousand dollars.
Save Time
The procedure of replacing a bathtub is a complicated one. It is more complex and one may believe than removing a bathtub from its location. To remove the bathtub, it is sometimes necessary to chop it up into pieces.
There are occasions when the walls must be taken down to remove the tub.
It may be necessary to remove a toilet or vanity at some point. Everything will be determined by the dimensions of your tub and the space in the bathroom. Depending on how involved the process needs to be, it can take several weeks to complete.
Refinished Bathtub Solutions provides the most user-friendly and efficient kits available, which will help you save time and are simple to put to use. In addition, we have a wealth of illuminating advice and instructions for you concerning refinishing your bathtubs.
Stay away from the Trouble.
Taking out an old bathtub not only takes a significant amount of time but may also strain your mental health. The presence of many workers in your home, along with the sight of walls being torn down and a bathroom in disarray, might cause you to experience a great deal of stress. Losing use of a restroom for several days or even weeks may be very stressful if many people are living in the house.
This is especially true in homes with large families. Everyone will have to squeeze into the few left bathrooms, and there will be a struggle for both time and space.
Buying an Ekopel kit from us is a much simpler approach that won't put as much strain on your sanity or your family as other options might. You will finish the process really fast, and it will be far less intrusive than you would have anticipated.
We have created the Ekopel 2k kit to make your life easier by combining the essential tools and components. In addition to that, you will require the following items: a roll of masking tape, a roll of plastic or paper to protect the floor, a blow dryer or heat gun, a knife, a brush to wash the bathtub, paper towels, and a solvent (either isopropyl alcohol or acetone) to clean any potential dirt or runoff. Wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty, as that is our recommendation!
In addition to that, the Pro Install Kit is at your disposal.
Modify Your Appearance
One of the biggest reasons people want to give their bathtub a new design is because they are interested in purchasing a new one. However, there are several other reasons why people want to give their bathtubs a new look. To your relief, you won't have to go out and purchase an entirely new bathtub to accomplish that goal.
If you are happy with the size and design of your tub, refinishing it will give it the look of a whole different tub, even if the measurements and design remain the same. Even if you decide to refinish it in the same color, the end result will be a finish that is bright, clean, and glossy; this will give the appearance that the bathtub was just recently installed.
Alternatively, you have the opportunity to change the color if you so like. Changing the sink's faucet and the cabinetry hardware will help you obtain an even more eye-catching new style.
If you're thinking about purchasing a brand-new bathtub, there's no need to run out and make the purchase just now. You should be able to do what you want by purchasing one of our Ekopel kits unless you especially want a larger tub or one with additional luxuries, such as jets. In that case, you will need to consider other options.
People commonly opt to purchase a new bathtub when all they need is bathtub repair; however, this is only sometimes the case. It is not difficult to repair a few cracks and chips, and applying a fresh finish to your tub can make it look as though it has never been used before. If you discover ekopel in an unwanted spot, such as the floor, you can get rid of as much of it as possible by first heating the area with a heat gun or a hair dryer and then scraping away what you can from the surface.
This will remove as much of the Ekopel as possible. After that, you should use acetone to eliminate any residue still present. If it is on your hands, thoroughly wash them with soap and acetone to get rid of all traces.
Fight against the streaks.
Drip marks and streaks are frequently confused with one another. Streaks appear wherever the material did not completely cover the surface or where it did so only partially, making the region appear streaky. Sandpaper with a grit range of 220-320 should be used to make the afflicted region smooth to the touch. If the surface is not smooth to the touch, it will reflect the appearance of the damaged area. Then use our pour-on touch-up kit to make the necessary repairs.
I liked learning that the refinishing process will give your bathtub the appearance of a newly installed unit. My older sister has mentioned that the bathtub in her primary bathroom looks worn down compared to the other features around it. I’ll recommend that she hire professionals to refinish her tub this week and update the appearance of her bathroom. https://www.cttubandtilerefinishing.com/fiberglass-refinishing